Module Objectives:
Understand Core Principles: Provide students with a comprehensive understanding of qualitative research methodologies and their relevance in exploring labour market dynamics, particularly in the context of bioeconomy-related sectors.
Develop Critical Analysis Skills: Enable students to critically evaluate existing qualitative studies that examine labour market issues within the bioeconomy, identifying key themes such as green jobs, sustainable practices, and the transition to a circular economy.
Design a Qualitative Research Framework: Guide students in developing a qualitative research plan tailored to bioeconomy topics, including the formulation of research questions, selection of appropriate data collection methods (e.g., interviews with stakeholders in bio-based industries), and addressing ethical considerations.
Enhance Data Collection and Analysis Skills: Train students to collect, organize, and analyze qualitative data effectively using techniques like thematic analysis focusing on labour market trends in bioeconomy sectors.
Foster Creativity and Engagement: Encourage students to choose a specific topic within the labour market (e.g., workforce development for green jobs, gender equity in bio-based industries, or skills gaps in sustainable technologies), fostering creative and personalized exploration.
Integrate with Quantitative Insights: Demonstrate the value of combining qualitative findings with quantitative data to provide a comprehensive analysis of bioeconomy labour market challenges, such as the demand for new skills or the impact of policy changes on employment patterns.
Strengthen Interpretative and Writing Skills: Prepare students to interpret qualitative data meaningfully and present their findings in a coherent and compelling manner, focusing on actionable insights for policymakers, educators, and bioeconomy stakeholders.
By achieving these objectives, students will gain the skills and perspectives necessary to conduct meaningful qualitative research on labour market topics, with a particular emphasis on addressing challenges and opportunities within the bioeconomy.
- Teacher: Nina Drejerska